Based in Lalitpur, Nepal


Technical Skills

  • Programming Skills

  • Web Development

  • Database Management:

  • Tools

Soft Skills

  • Communication

    Effective written and verbal Communication

  • Networking

    Collaborative and adaptable in team environments

  • Problem-Solving

    Analytical thinking and creative problem-solving

  • Time Management

    Ability to meet deadlines and manage priorities


Hello! I'm Shradha Khatiwada, a computer science student with a passion for technology, creativity, and storytelling. I thrive in the dynamic intersection of programming, video editing, public speaking, development, and journalism.

Academic Background

I am currently pursuing a degree in computer science, where I have honed my skills in problem-solving, algorithm design, and software development. The ever-evolving nature of technology fascinates me, and I am dedicated to staying at the forefront of innovation.

Passion for Programming

My journey into the world of programming began with a curiosity to understand how software shapes our digital experiences. I have hands-on experience with languages such as JavaScript, Python, and Java, and I love turning ideas into functional and efficient code.

Creative Expression through Video Editing

Beyond the lines of code, I find joy in the world of visual storytelling. Video editing allows me to blend my technical skills with a creative flair. From concept to execution, I enjoy bringing ideas to life through captivating visuals and seamless editing.

Effective Communication and Public Speaking

Public speaking has been a key component of my personal and professional growth. Whether sharing insights about the latest technological trends or presenting a project, I am committed to conveying complex ideas in an accessible and engaging manner.

Development and Journalism

In addition to my technical pursuits, I have a keen interest in journalism. I believe in the power of words to inform and inspire. I actively contribute to relevant publications, blogs, or writing endeavors.

Let's Connect

I am always eager to collaborate, learn, and explore new opportunities. Whether you're interested in discussing technology, collaboration, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out. Let's embark on a journey of innovation and creativity together! Connect with me on LinkedIn | GitHub| Twitter | Facebook Thank you for visiting my portfolio! [SK]